Lawilowan American Indian Festival Inc.

Muddy Run Powwow

Muddy Run Powwow Flier Windsor Pa
$5 per person. 7 and under 65 and over FREE
Come on out and enjoy some good family fun… you will see Native American Drumming, Singing, Dancing, crafts and vendors, Native food and the Native American Flute Circles…. We will be raising awareness to MMIWG…(Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls )
September 17 & 18 2022.
Saturday 10 am to 9 pm
Sunday 10 am to 5 pm
On the Steam O Rama Grounds
1673 Manor Road Windsor, PA 17366
$5 per person. 7 and under 65 and over FREE
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or contact Arvil 717-817-6421